
Archives pour 09/2017

Set component in default namespace

If you want to use your own compenent you muste speicfy an xmlns:xxxx= » » in xaml
and use like this <xxx:myComponent …..
if you want to set your compenent on global or specific namespace
1- create a project
2– place component in this project
3– add this line in assemblyinfo.cs of this project
[assembly: XmlnsDefinition(« », « UltimateCorp.Components »)]

XmlnsDefinition(NameSpace to place, NameSpace to get)
NameSpace to place, is the namespace where the componenent are set
NameSPace to get, is the namespace where the compoment are initialy place

[assembly: XmlnsDefinition(« », « UltimateCorp.Components »)]
[assembly: XmlnsDefinition(« », « UltimateCorp.User »)]



It is important to separate component in specific project 

Categories: Non classé Tags:

ColumnDefinition visibility

To have visible Binding on ColumnDefinition (idem a RowDefinition) use this class

and use like this

for binding to


Categories: Non classé Tags: